Wild About Writing
Lesley Salas has been wild about writing since the age of 6, when she composed a play for her friends on the neighbor's porch. She is a bilingual Cuban American lesbian from the Midwest with two spectacular grown children. She has been in Florida since late 2014.
After an intense struggle with depression her whole life, Lesley broke free from her self-restrictions and began writing again in her 60s. Like the wild green parrots who surround her, she is a not-quite-tamed transplant thriving in her new environment. She writes about all the in-between places she represents and the advantages of 'otherness.'
She has been a grant writer, a nonprofit program manager, a proofreader, a social-justice activist, and a translator/interpreter, among other things. Recently she gathered her poetry into her first book, Pray to What Humbles You. Share our wisdom - that's what crones are supposed to do, anyway, right?